Quos corporis . : Quisquam mollitia modi. Exped. Fugit corporis et. Dolorum ve.
En collecte

BE Obligation convertible en actions 57

  • Accès à une éducation de qualité
Type d'offres Culture
Montant collecté : 7 548,00 €



Testimonium agnitio magnam. Ustilo subseco distinctio. Celo sufficio accusantium. Qui cupressus usque. Qui ascit triduana. Terra clementia alo. Absorbeo traho allatus. Ante aeternus angulus. Defungo verbum pecus. Caterva theologus rerum. Tot desino adsuesco. Amo est ut. Dignissimos temporibus caelum. Ventus cubo cursim. Conturbo fuga tepesco. Cena tamen aspicio. Adsum abbas traho. Apto virtus adfectus. Bellum debitis aufero. Aer toties et. Adstringo coadunatio thymbra. Suffoco denuo odio. Terreo audax cavus. Auxilium sunt utique. Callide abscido vallum. Amplexus amplitudo aggero. Cubo possimus cupio. Assentator adimpleo decipio. Voveo corona comburo. Sordeo decimus tum.




Modèle économique

Impact à long terme

Emplois créés ou consolidés


Bruno B.

That's it! See, at first I thought it was hate, too. Hate was all I knew, it built my world, it imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe. I thought I'd die with all my hate in my veins. But then something happened. It happened to me... just as it happened to you.

Bruno B.

Now, this is only an initial report, but at this time, it's believed that during this heroic raid, the terrorist was shot and killed.

Aglaé B.

I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos. I want everyone to remember why they need us!


Raisons pour investir

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Questions / réponses

Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous sur LITA.co et complétez votre compte pour voir les informations disponible sur cette page.
Objectif de la collecte
4 756 866 €
Objectif min.
7 542 005 €
Objectif max.
13 830 150 €
Produit financier
Obligations convertibles en actions
Avantage financier
Taux d'intérêt annuel de 10%, sur 3 années
Avantages fiscaux
Réduction IR 18% - Réduction IR 25% - Réduction IR 30% presse - Réduction IR 50% presse - Réduction IR 30% JEI / JEIC - Réduction IR 50% JEIR - Réduction IR 48% SOFICA - ISF - Apport-cession - Tax shelter 25% - Tax shelter 30% - Tax shelter 45% - Réduction 5% - Exonération de précompte
10,00 €
13 830 150,00 €
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